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img-Mount of Beatitudes,Tabgha

On-Line Site Accessibility Information: Grades and symbols

Each site was surveyed and graded by our professional staff to determine its level of suitability to individuals with impaired mobility.

 Wheel chair Symbol Wheel chair users

Impaired mobility Symbol Impaired mobility - Crutches or walker users

Visually impaired Symbol Visually impaired

Hearing impaired Symbol Hearing impaired

Most sites displayed by the application are at least partially accessible. In addition sites of special interest are included even if they have been rated as not accessible.

Grades and Symbols

The purpose of the grades is to provide rough screening information before going into further details. We believe this knowledge can help provide understanding as to whether the venue described is a place the individual can / is interested to visit, based on his/her personal situation and ability. The measures are based on the common size of a wheelchair or other assistive devices such as; walkers. The grades do not attempt to cover the needs of everyone.

Each site was checked for many parameters and has been given an overall weighted grade on the basis of all the services available for the given type of disability. The overall level of accessibility of the individual sites has been graded on a scale from 1 (good accessibility) to 4 (not accessible), and - (no special arrangements).

At venues where adaptation have been made to accommodate visually or hearing impaired individuals a numeric value has been recorded in the box. In absence of such arrangements, there is no grade.

Many of the sites reviewed did not have special adaptations for people with sensory impairments. A site is presented as accessible for the visually impaired if there are explanations in Braille, audio systems etc. Nevertheless, touchable exhibits at a museum and clear-bordered paths, obstacles free, are specified in all site descriptions. Guide dogs are related to separately.

A site has been graded as accessible for the hearing impaired only if it has a sound system, subtitles or sign language guide.

Grade 4 Symbol The site is inaccessible

Grade 3 Symbol Partially accessible or requires help

Grade 2 Symbol Accessible

Grade 1 Symbol Good Accessibility

Not relevant Symbol No special arrangements

Grades have been given based solely on the level of accessibility to the site, and in no way reflect the quality of service, cleanliness of the facility or any other aspect of the site. Accessibility to parking, accommodation facilities, restrooms and food services has been noted in particular. Likewise, accessibility to water entry in sites with swimming pools or beaches has also been noted. Management policy toward admittance of guide dogs has been indicated as well. Symbol indicating the availability of services and the level of accessibility are defined below, followed by description of what should be improved.

Parking Symbol Parking: Describes whether there is reserved parking for individuals with disabilities including the existence of an appropriate signpost and that the site is accessible from the parking lot.
Room Symbol Rooms and adjacent bathrooms: This symbol indicates the accessibility to wheelchair users and others with impaired mobility. Parameters that have been evaluated include space beside the bed, door width and size of adjacent bathroom, the distance from the center of the toilet seat to the distant paralleling wall, availability of bathtub or shower stall, availability of handgrips and more. Generally the information given is sufficient for the user to assess whether the facilities is suitable for his specific need

 Public WC Symbol Public WC: This symbol indicates the accessibility to wheelchair users and others with impaired mobility. Parameters that have been evaluated include viability of passage to the WC, size of cubicle, door width and the distance from the center of the toilet seat to the distant paralleling wall. Generally the information given is sufficient for the user to assess whether the facilities is suitable for his specific needs.

 Food Services Symbol Food Services: Indicates the accessibility to the various restaurants and cafeterias at the site, and information on whether the food is kosher.

Swimming Pool Symbol Swimming: this symbol indicates access to the beach, swimming pool and whirlpool and sauna, as well as means of entering the water and dressing room.

The following legend indicates level of accessibility:

 Good accessibility Symbol Good accessibility

 Partial accessibility Symbol Partial accessibility or some assistance may be needed

 Inaccessible Symbol Inaccessible

For example:
Accessible Parking : Parking Symbol Good accessibility Symbol

Partially adapted WC:  Public WC Symbol Partial accessibility Symbol

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