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Accessible Tourism: Accessible Tours and Access Information on Tourist Sites

In our accessible tours and access Information on tourist sites portal, you can find a variety of tourist and recreation sites as well as recommendations on accessible tours in Israel. Detailed accessibility information is presented to each site search and presentation of information according to type of disability, choice of area and type of sites.

We at Access Unlimited acknowledge the importance in integrating people with disabilities in tourism and recreation to ensure equality in all aspects of life. Our accessible tours and access Information on tourist sites portal, is the largest and most comprehensive in the country. The portal, built by Access Unlimited, is provided as a service to the community, so everyone can plan and choose the sites and tours to suite him personally. The portal is based on the Access Unlimited which is being updated continuously.

Access Unlimited specializes in tourism for people with disabilities and offer a range of services to stakeholders in the tourism industry, as well as travelers; providing information, consulting, surveys and audit, follow-up for accessibility renovations or planning construction of tourist sites.

For a detail description of Grades and Symbols, see "On-line Site Accessibility Information – detailed description"

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